And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons, he gathered up his feet into the bed, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered unto his people.  Genesis 49:33 KJV

For the majority of us, we know not the day nor the hour we shall reach the point of eternal rest. 

Many leave a “Last Will and Testament” instructing loved ones of their final wishes.

Some people have even left final messages for their loved ones, expressing their love and concerns for their lives.

It is a blessing to be able to have things in order for our loved ones, but it’s an even greater blessing to have things in order with the Lord.

Jacob was getting his house in order when he expressed his feelings to his sons before he took his final breath.

He did not hold back on saying that which was true about how each of them had conducted themselves and what it would lead too.

He also made sure he acknowledged the Lord and how they needed to live according to the Word.

Once he had done all this, he rested and was ready to give his spirit into the hands of God.

We all have something to do and have to remain steadfast in the Word until it is done.

Our last will and testament should be that we have shared the Word, are ready to depart in peace having been a blessed example for our children, family and friends and know that we will be resting with the Lord. 


Lord, may we remain steadfast in Your Word until our work is done. May we be a living testament to all you have done and will do for all that follow Your ways, so when we depart we will do so in peace.  

In Jesus name we pray, Amen