And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy. 2 KingS 5:3 KJV 

We all have our moments when we need some recommendations on who we can consult regarding certain things in our lives.

Sometimes it is firsthand knowledge.

We will accept the information given and proceed accordingly, or we find reasons to doubt and never have a positive conclusion.

In this chapter Naaman, a Syrian, idol worshiper, who treated God’s people badly,  had leprosy.

A servant he had obtained for his wife, heard about his situation and told his wife about the famous prophet that was amongst the Israelites.

She could have kept this information to herself but because she was good-hearted and desired the best for him she didn’t.

Despite anyones status in society or their beliefs, our ability to testify to one another is a blessing that the Lord has bestowed on each and every one of us.

As servants of  the Lord we are to be a blessing to those in need.


Lord, when we hear of someone in need of a blessing, show us the right way on how to answer or go about giving them the help they need. We have all been through some things and can be the servant that can testify that there is power when we live according to your Word and your instructions Lord.  Thank you for our blessings.

In Jesus name we pray, Amen